Gay Facebook Founder
Everyone knows Mark Zuckerberg as the founder of facebook. Zuckerberg has the whole popularity but no one knows the gay Facebook founder Chris Hughes who was an important part in the founding process of facebook.
The gay Facebook founder was an important part
Back then when the gay Facebook Founder and Zuckerberg were freshmen at Harvard University Zuckerberg recruited Hughes to build up Facebook with him. At first Facebook was a social network which was only used at Harvard. But the gay Facebook founder had the idea to open Facebook for other schools. When Zuckerberg travelled to Palo Alto to continue with Facebook the gay Facebook founder remained at Harvard to continue his studies. After his bachelor he went to Palo Alto again an joins Zuckerberg and got involved to Facebook again. In 2007 the gay Facebook founder left Zuckerberg and Facebook to volunteer at Barack Obamas presidential campaign.
In 2011 he married Sean Eldrige, since then Hughes was known as the gay Facebook founder.
The gay Facebook founder led Facebook to its success
After its founding, Facebook became super popular, even outside of the education institutions. Every person from 13 years could register at Facebook. After the registration you are able to make a personal profile with a photo and many personal information like your birthday, where you are working, where you are living or what your interests are. You can add friends from your real life und it is possible to chat with them or post messages on their public pin board. Until now Facebook has over 500 million members and is the biggest social network worldwide.
There is even a movie about the founding of Facebook which shows how Zuckerberg and the gay Facebook founder Hughes founded Facebook and that this process weren’t super easy.